Why use donor eggs for fertility treatment?

Infertility is a burning problem for the society which is getting large number of cases with infertility issues.  It has been noticed in many cases even after trying expensive treatments like IVF couples failed to taste the flavor of success. In such cases use of donor egg has become extremely popular to experience success in pregnancy. In this fertility treatment, an infertile woman can conceive a child with the help of the donor eggs. There are certain reasons for which the donor eggs are recommended by Infertility specialists.

In case any woman suffers from early ovarian failure, especially before 40, donors eggs are extremely helpful in achieve pregnancy.

  • If any woman has eggs in low quantity or quality, then she can collect eggs from one of the Best Donor Egg clinic in Mumbai. Need of donor eggs generally arise in a woman trying to conceive after attaining the age of 40.
  • Donor eggs are extremely helpful in case the woman is suffering from any genetically transmitted disease which can be transmitted to the children if conceived naturally. This treatment will keep her baby safe from any genetically transmitted disease.


  • If the woman has suffered the failure of IVF due to low count of eggs or poor sperm quality of partner, then she can take help of the advanced Gestational Surrogacy in India where donor eggs can also be used.

Are you looking for such facilities for your case or for someone you know who needs help for having child? If yes, then get in touch with notable clinics which are known of offering such services besides conducting treatments like IVF, surrogacy and other infertility treatment. Check the reputation and success rate of the clinic before you invest in this treatment.