Gestational surrogacy offers you the chance to be the biological parent-baby born from surrogate mother

Commercial surrogacy became legal in India since the year 2002. This legal support gave full advantage to many infertile couples to have their biological child in this world. In India, gestational surrogacy is legally approved. In this process, either sperm or eggs should be from the intended parent(s). The process of Surrogacy will not get legality if either of the approached parents is not linked to the unborn baby biologically. The role of a surrogate mother here is for contributing her womb.

The most important thing that you need to check at the time of opting for surrogacy is the health of the proposing surrogate mother. She may or may not be the biological mother of the. Unborn child but she needs to be healthy and physically fit to bear the child in the womb. To get the right assistance in this regard we will recommend you to get in touch with one of the leading Surrogacy Clinic in Mumbai.



As per Legal experts, a surrogate mother can be the one who is having own children as this will make the process easier for her to carry and deliver the baby she of the intended parents. The contract needs to be signed between the surrogate mother and the intended parents before the process is done for the treatment. Only solo or twin birth is allowed in case of surrogacy. If accidental all embryos mature and the surrogate mother is pregnant with triplet or quadruplets then one or 2 embryos will be aborted letting it know to both the surrogate mother and the intended parents. Before you approach a clinic for this process we will recommend you to check the success rate of the clinic in case of IVF and surrogacy .

Surrogacy is much more expensive than IVF and we recommend you to think about it only when you are left with no other option in this regard.